Profi Consulting, located in Turkey's capital, Ankara, provides professional consulting services related to antidumping, subsidy, safeguard, anti-circumvention, new exporter investigations. Profi Consulting is among a few consulting companies in Turkey providing truly expert consulting on trade protection measures.
Antidumping Investigations
Subsidy Investigations
Safeguard Investigations
Anti-Circumvention Investigations
New Exporter (New Shipper) Investigations
Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties
Antidumping and countervailing duties are determined against imports of a product/product group and imposed based on individual exporter companies located in the country subject to investigation. Antidumping duties could be regarded as measures taken against companies/countries, which increase own market share in a foreign country by sales made below (exporter's) domestic market prices. Countervailing duty (CVD) investigations are carried out against companies which benefit from actionable subsidies provided by foreign governments to exporting industries.
We have wide experience on trade remedy investigations both as case handlers and as defense experts for our clients.
As opposed to AD and CVD, safeguards need to be applied to all countries and the degree of the measure must be phased out on a yearly basis. Compared to other measures, Turkish government less frequently initiated safeguard investigations.
Anti-circumvention investigations are very important for exporters, since punitive extra duties could be applied causing the closure of Turkish market for the exporter. Profi Consulting provides expert defensive and analytical consultancy for foreign exporters which were not involved in circumventing activities.
Surveillance Measures
Turkish authorities have often implemented surveillance measures in recent years. Surveillance measures typically set minimum prices for imported products which constitute basis for calculating the customs duties. Consequently, a surveillance measure for a product increases customs duties to be paid.